We say we travel to “disconnect,” but we don’t even know how to read a map anymore, recognize the flowers we meet on the way, or interpret the movement of clouds. We literally feel lost if left to ourselves, to our intuition, to Human intelligence.
And how can we seriously talk about environmental sustainability, when we have lost that intimate connection with the environment, with the rythms of Nature, with what defines our role on this planet?
We strongly believe in the transformative power of Travel. Note: we say Travel, not tourism – meaning that space-time we give ourselves to explore, to deepen what we know about the world and ourselves. We talk about making “roots” instead of “tours”: not simply visiting but absorbing, participating. Not “disconnect”, instead Connect as deeply as possible with the land, with the traditions, with the genius of the civilizations that inhabited a land for centuries before us, with the ancient wellspring of wisdom that shaped humanity.
Even more, we think there’s something to gain for everyone in this exchange, first and foremost for the communities that host us. We look at them as our Teachers, and we want our visits to leave a gentle, yet positive and long-lasting impact on them.
Our pilot project was born in collaboration with the people of Choquecancha, an isolated village sitting on an archaeological site in Peru’s Lares Valley, a couple of hours away from the more famous Sacred Valley and almost on the edge of the Amazon rainforest.
MARCO B. - kind human guest
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